Student Life at Ursuline
Health & Wellness
Mental Health & Wellbeing
At Ursuline, we care about the well-being of the whole student and believe that mental well-being is the bedrock of success in all other areas of their experience at Ursuline. Our dedicated, credentialed school counseling team supports all four divisions of the Academy. Counselors meet regularly with students individually and in group settings and are available as a resource to parents. Seeking counselor support is a normalized experience at Ursuline. Students know they always have a resource to help support them through a bad day or an especially challenging time in their lives. Counselors also work closely with students and parents to find outside community resources when needed.
In addition to services provided by our counselors, the counseling department hosts outside programming for students and parents during the school year. Guest speakers are brought in to present on various topics related to health and well-being, such as substance abuse awareness, mindfulness and meditation programming, mental health and suicide prevention awareness, and parent education and support coaching.
Lower School
Our Lower School has one full-time counselor. The counselor meets with students individually and in small group settings. The counselor meets with all students in whole class settings to teach prosocial skills. Additionally, the counselor collaborates closely with teachers, parents, and guardians to help maintain student well-being and academic success.
Middle School
Our Middle School has one full-time counselor. The counselor will meet with students three times a year for regular check-in meetings and on an individual, as-needed basis. Additionally, the counselor collaborates closely with teachers, parents, and guardians to help maintain student well-being and academic success.
Upper School
Our Upper School has two full-time school counselors. Families are assigned a counselor upon enrolling as a freshman. Your counselor stays with you all four years in the Upper School, getting to know the students and their families well. Counselors meet periodically with each grade in groups during the year and individually with students for check-ins as needed. The counselors work in tandem with the academic and student life deans to support students in their adjustment to the demands of high school life. Counselors also assist students in their yearly course selection and the college application process, ensuring that students balance challenging themselves academically and not overstretching.

Hello! My name is Winnie, and I’m the school dog at Ursuline Academy. I love being an ‘Ursuline girl,’ and one of my favorite things to do when I come to school is to greet new students and visitors. I spend my days ready and waiting to cheer up anyone having a ruff day. Some of my favorite upperclassmen wait for me each morning for a game of fetch with my tennis ball, which I love to chase up and down the hallway. I also love to be read to in the lower school library. I’m a great listener for young, new readers! When I’m in the Fusco Student Life Center, I can usually be found roaming along the 3rd floor, where I can take in a theology class or math lessons, all while getting treats and cuddles.
When I was asked to write you this letter, I jumped and wagged my tail at the opportunity! Why is Ursuline the best place to be, you ask? Because we have so much to offer students of all ages - from our award-winning academics and talented faculty, championship sports teams and highly regarded coaches, nationally-recognized arts program, and a global network of over 100 Ursuline schools worldwide! Our newly renovated facilities and innovative learning spaces provide state-of-the-art tools and resources for learning. And did I mention our amazing cafeteria? While I’m not allowed to play in the café, I have snuck some occasional nibbles, and I can assure you, it’s the best food around!
I hope you will visit me soon and see how wonderful Ursuline is!
Sincerely yours with fluffy hugs and wet kisses,