Academics at Ursuline Academy
Global Education
Ursuline Academy is an independent, Catholic school community that empowers students for leadership and service in our global society.

Ursuline Academy commits to educating global leaders, focusing on the Ursuline mission through active service, intellectual enrichment, co-curricular programs both locally and abroad, sister school relationships, and other global partnerships. Ursuline's Global Education Program is grounded in our school’s history and tradition, forming an important part of Ursuline’s identity and a fundamental aspect of an Ursuline education. Ursuline Academy is a member of the Global Network of Ursuline Schools, representing more than 100 Ursuline schools worldwide, all founded on the principles of St. Angela Merici.
At all grade levels, students engage in various transformative experiences, which help them grow in global competence. As they get to know and touch the realities of other cultures, they gain a new appreciation for different perspectives and a better understanding of what it means to be a citizen of the world. They also have the opportunity to share a unique sisterhood with students around the globe.
By offering diverse and dynamic opportunities to engage with people, ideas, and issues beyond our state and country borders, we foster a deep sense of social consciousness integral to our Serviam mission and instill more significant levels of confidence, empathy, and humility in each student.
"Build community wherever you go." – St. Angela Merici
Program background:
Saint Angela began her mission in Brescia, Italy in 1535 with a simple idea: to build up a devastated society through the education of young women. She knew it was women who would influence society during the 16th century and beyond. From St. Angela and the Ursuline companies that carried their mission throughout the world in the subsequent centuries, Ursuline schools became the hallmark of an all-girls education.
This engendered a spark that is now a worldwide community of educational institutions engaged in religious education, through the call of the Gospel to serve one another, as exemplified in our motto, Serviam. The Ursuline Global Education Network has spread from a tiny seed in Brescia to connecting students at Ursuline schools worldwide, with over 30 countries and on six continents.
Our award-winning Global Education Program utilizes this vast and robust network to provide opportunities for collaboration on multiple levels. Through curricular and experiential exchange, members of our school community work to build multifaceted perspectives of the world, acquire intercultural competence, and become thriving and contributing citizens of the world and the Church.
Follow Ursuline Global on Instagram @ursulineglobal and on our Global Education Blog
Ursuline Academy receives 2023-2024 ICGS Moulton Student Global Citizenship Grant
Congratulations to ICGS member schools Ursuline Academy Wilmington (USA) and St Ursula’s College Kingsgrove (AUS) - recipients of the 2023-2024 Moulton Student Global Citizenship Grant. These two ICGS member schools are joining forces with Mother of Pease School (MOP) in Chrab Viel, Battamband, Cambodia, to establish a community kitchen at MOP.
Expanding upon the infrastructure already in place at MOP, Ursuline Academy and St Ursula’s College students seek to use the school as a foundation for a larger educational modal. Their project is designed to create an opportunity for women and girls to prepare food to sell at a local market, creating and managing their own small businesses. By helping women generate economic opportunities, the grant recipients hope to help reduce migration, increase adolescent female enrollment in school, and foster an important skillset beneficial to all participants, both personally and professionally. Once the community kitchen is active, the team aims to their expand their project to include extracurricular for MOP students.
Established in 2016 by Coalition Co-Founder Meg Moulton, the Moulton Student Global Citizenship Grant is a $1,000 USD grant awarded annually to ICGS member school student teams age 14-15. The grant helps engage girls in leadership, fortify their strategic thinking, and enhance their global mindfulness by developing empathy and respect for others. Learn more about the grant and this year’s recipient”
In June 2024, Ursuline Academy’s student team was honored at the ICGS international conference in Baltimore, MD, where they presented alongside Erin Prada. This recognition underscores the impact and significance of Ursuline Academy’s initiatives on a global scale, promoting global competency and enriching academic programming across borders.
Cultivating the awareness, knowledge, and skills needed to succeed in our global world starts with our youngest students. The Global Education Program maximizes students’ interest in learning about the world around them and the world afar, striving to provide meaningful connections with others across their local, national, and international community. Global in the Lower School focuses on increasing children’s awareness of and respect for cultural practices in other parts of the world while simultaneously teaching them how to share their own and recognize the value they hold.
“Connecting with our Ursuline sisters schools around the world is like taking our students on field trips around the globe.”
Since younger children learn best through concrete experiences rather than abstract concepts, we provide a wide variety of relevant opportunities to help them understand and appreciate what it means to be a global citizen. Our students begin by learning through their senses and exploring the richness of cultural diversity through food, music, stories, textiles, crafts, and dance. Throughout the Lower School grades, we tap into our rich community of cultural diversity both locally and across our Ursuline sister school network to invite members into our classrooms both physically and virtually. Students engage in intercultural learning by exchanging with others to gain knowledge pertaining to cultural practices, traditions, and realities through academic opportunities across the disciplines including pen pals and video projects.
“We want our students to value cultural diversity without thinking of it as alien or foreign. They are never too young to engage.”
From the earliest stage of an Ursuline education, we are committed to fostering amongst our student body the skills, attitudes, and behaviors needed for today's world. We seek to provide them with opportunities to learn how to respectfully contribute, engage, and thrive in our global community from the very start of their educational journey at Ursuline and beyond.
“We have a very special program here, and I believe that the interest and desire to be a part of it begins here in the Lower School.”

Our Middle School Global Education Curriculum continues to expand students’ worldview and further cultivate global competence. For instance, there is expanded exposure to different languages and cultures through our World Language curriculum, world events through Social Studies courses, world religions through Theology, and global literature through English Language Arts. Middle School students build more partnerships and friendships with other Ursuline students across the network and enjoy special collaboration for global learning with both Lower School and Upper School students. Students also engage in global dialogues with their peers around the world to discuss world issues such as the effect of the pandemic and climate change. By seeing events and traditions through the eyes of others, students gain a more diverse perspective on a wide variety of topics across the disciplines.
"In the Middle School, students not only deepen themselves in their own faith but grow in their appreciation for the diverse cultures and faiths that are a part of our world."
Students also engage in global dialogues with their peers around the world to discuss world issues such as the effect of the pandemic and climate change. By seeing events and traditions through the eyes of others, students gain a more diverse perspective on a wide variety of topics across the disciplines.
“Ursuline Global teaches our students not only about the experiences of others, but it also inspires them to stand up and take action.”

Ursuline Upper School students further explore and develop global citizenship through curriculum, activities, events, programs, and service, with our Global Education Program being deeply woven into the student experience. Students work to develop and embrace multiple perspectives through interaction and engagement across the community, country, and the world. In the classroom, the curriculum of many courses has a global lens and is infused with opportunities for students to deepen their knowledge of our global society. Across the disciplines, students tap into our worldwide Ursuline network to partake in rich global projects, connect virtually with peers across the globe, and strengthen their understanding.
“It is important to instill in our students the idea that they are global citizens and to realize they do not live in a bubble. Ursuline Global is crafted to do just this, inspiring students through cross-cultural collaboration and providing valuable exposure that expands their worldviews.”
To supplement their global learning in the classroom, Upper School students also have the ability to travel with Ursuline. Students may serve as a delegate or host as part of a domestic or international exchange facilitated in partnership with one of our Ursuline sister schools. With rotating destinations, our rich dual exchange program invites students to immerse themselves in intercultural learning by both representing our school on another Ursuline campus or welcoming an Ursuline exchange student into their home. Other travel opportunities outside of exchanges include retreats, conferences, service trips, and more. For those who aspire to go above and beyond and distinguish themselves in the field of Global Education, Ursuline works with the Ursuline Education Network to offer the Global Scholars Distinction to members of the graduating senior class.
“Chaperoning global trips has provided me with some amazing once-in-a-lifetime experiences. It has enriched my understanding of our Ursuline network and how powerful and unique this school truly is. It has also allowed me to create deeper bonds with students and the Ursuline community across the world that will last a lifetime. The educational and experiential components are so memorable and provide all participants with a sense of adventure and belonging they will carry with them.”

Ursuline participates as a founding member of the Ursuline Education Network (UEN) Global Scholars Program. Open to Upper School students, this program is designed to highlight those who have demonstrated a strong interest in international topics and global studies. To achieve this distinction, students complete requirements in coursework, co-curricular activities, service learning, cultural literacy, and a research project during their four years at Ursuline. Nominees for this distinction present their experiences in a culminating capstone presentation to a panel of community members the spring of their senior year.
Select student profiles of recent Global Scholars:
Kaya Blair '24
Highlights of her time in the Global Scholars Program:
- Member of delegation to France and host for a French exchange student
- Member of delegation to South Africa and host for a South African exchange student
- Led virtual English language tutoring sessions for teenagers in Ukraine
- Participated in the All Voices Cultural Fair
- Leader of the Entrepreneurship Club
- Research Topic: The effect of the Israel-Hamas war on American university campuses
Beyond Ursuline
Lilith Holden '24
Highlights of her time in the Global Scholars Program:
- Member of delegation to South Africa and host for a South African exchange student
- Participated in Asia in New York immersion trip with Ursuline Dallas
- Participated in the Taiwanese virtual exchange
- Internship with University of Delaware's Middle East Partnership Initiative
- Research Topic: The Effect of Nuclear Testing on Child Development in Kazakhstan
Beyond Ursuline
Karina Vattasseril '23
Highlights of her time in the Global Scholars Program:
- Member of the delegation to Germany
- Represented Ursuline on the Ursuline Global Compact
- Attended the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
- Global Program Intern
- Awarded the 2023 Global Studies Department Medal
- Research topic: The Continuation of False Stereotypes of Indian Culture as Influenced by the Bollywood Film Industry
Beyond Ursuline
Hannah Hollis '23
Highlights of her time in the Global Scholars Program:
- Member of the delegations to Italy and Ecuador
- Attended the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
- Volunteered as a counselor at White Clay Creek Preserve
- Awarded the 2023 Global Studies Certificate of Excellence
- Research topic: Rewilding in the United Kingdom
Beyond Ursuline
Ava Medeiros '22
Highlights of her time in the Global Scholars Program:
- Global Program Intern
- Hosted Australian and Peruvian exchange students
- Designed Ursuline’s Global travel journal
- Member of the delegation to Italy
- Awarded the 2022 Global Studies Certificate of Excellence
- Research topic: Natural disaster response in Haiti vs. Japan
Beyond Ursuline
Maggie Lober '22
Highlights of her time in the Global Scholars Program:
- Created and facilitated the Ursuline Global Perspectives Book Club
- Volunteered in Lower School Spanish classes
- Member of the delegation to Italy
- Awarded the 2022 Global Studies Department Medal
- Research topic: The effect of the western worldview on the Indigenous
Beyond Ursuline
Ava Lindia '22
Highlights of her time in the Global Scholars Program:
- Hosted a South African exchange student
- Created artwork for the Ursuline Global Art Exchange
- Illustrated and published El Amigo Eterno through Creo En Ti Media
- Illustrated and published El Primer Vuelo de Tunki through Creo En Ti Media
- Research topic: The impact of the commercialization of art in Mexico
Beyond Ursuline
Chinue Kinsale '22
Highlights of her time in the Global Scholars Program:
- Winner of the GFCBW Mandarin Chinese Speech Contest
- Planned and oversaw Ursuline’s Chinese New Year celebration
- Participated in the Taiwanese virtual exchange
- Member of the delegation to Italy
- Research topic: The history of China’s relationship with Africa