About Ursuline Academy
Sister Kathleen Finnerty, OSU
Sister Kathleen, a native New Yorker, is an Ursuline Sister who has spent her professional life in education, primarily in administration. She graduated from the College of New Rochelle and earned advanced degrees from Fordham and Villanova Universities. After eight years as an Associate Superintendent in the Diocese of Wilmington, Sister moved to New Orleans as Superintendent of Schools to help rebuild the Catholic school system devastated by Hurricane Katrina.
After her return to New York, Sister Kathleen worked on the Capital Campaign for the Academy of Mt. Saint Ursula, her Alma Mater. Sister joined the Diocese of Brooklyn, NY, as Associate Superintendent, transitioning parochial schools to independent Catholic Academies operated by a Board of Trustees. Sister has extensive experience on Boards, including College, Iona Preparatory School (all boys Pre-K 3 – 12th grade), Ursuline Academy, Dedham, MA, and Ursuline, Wilmington.